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Latest News: EcoQuest has joined forces with LT&B (Latest Technology & Beyond) to bring even more advanced air purification technology to you!
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12 Harsh Environment Pads for Fresh Air 1 and 1.5 12 Harsh Environment Pads for Fresh Air 1 and 1.5

12 Harsh Environment Pads for Fresh Air 1 and 1.5

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  • Description

    12 Harsh Environment Pre-Filter Pads (extra thick) 

    These are our newest Extra Thick White Pads!
    Harsh Environment Pads provide extra protection for your air purifier!

    Great value for only $2.99 each!
    Make your purifier last longer by using these pads regularly.

    Size: 7" x 7"

    Fits the following models:

    Fresh Air 1.0
    Fresh Air 1.5


  • Specifications
    Warranty3 months
  • Description

    12 Harsh Environment Pre-Filter Pads (extra thick) 

    These are our newest Extra Thick White Pads!
    Harsh Environment Pads provide extra protection for your air purifier!

    Great value for only $2.99 each!
    Make your purifier last longer by using these pads regularly.

    Size: 7" x 7"

    Fits the following models:

    Fresh Air 1.0
    Fresh Air 1.5


  • Specifications
    Warranty3 months
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