Air Purifiers for Pet Dander & Pollen Allergies
Long-term exposure to dirty and dusty indoor air can cause all manner of health and respiratory problems. But when you pair that with the upsurge in pollen allergies and issues such as pet dander, it can be a recipe for disaster. There is a multitude of high-quality air purifiers, both portable and commercial, for pet dander & pollen allergies that will keep the airflow in your house or office fresh, clean and healthy to help combat allergies.
What do you really know about the dangers and causes of pollen allergies? Do you fully understand how much pet dander and pollen allergies occur indoors and are caused by unclean air? Or did you think allergies were just an outdoors thing?
Allergy experts such as the National Institute of Health’s Dr. Paivi Salo said that “Currently, airborne allergies affect approximately 10-30% of adults and 40% of children.”
More than 50 million Americans suffer from allergies on a yearly basis, with the most common being hay fever, which is also known as allergic rhinitis. Reactions to allergens can affect a person in many different ways. It’s a major problem and more widespread than you would think. But fortunately, there are ways to halt pet dander in its tracks and other airborne things that trigger allergies.
What is Pet Dander?
Have you heard about pet dander? Dander is basically a flaky material similar to dandruff that is shed from the body of either humans or animals. This is usually in the form of microscopic flecks of skin. Obviously, in the case of pet dander, we are referring to dander that comes directly from household pets such as dogs, birds, cats, and rodents. These minuscule flecks of skin can trigger reactions and pet allergies.

Pet dander can be circulated around your home in common dust and is even a main component of a dust mite’s diet. When Inhaled, pet dander is absorbed by the mucous membranes in your nose and lungs and can cause a buildup that results in reactions such as allergic rhinitis in susceptible humans.
Which animals pose the biggest pet dander issues?
If you are a pet lover, but also susceptible to allergies, you really do need to know which animals pose a bigger threat in terms of pet dander. If you are susceptible to pet allergies, you might want to halt your plans of getting another cat until you have read this information.
In households across the USA, dogs make up roughly 32% of all household pets while cats make up 27%. So the combined total of cats and dogs make up almost 60% of all household pets in America. Allergic reactions to cats make up approximately double the amount of complaints when compared to dog allergies, which means that cats can be a major cause of pet dander. Statistically speaking, 6% of Americans are allergic to cats, and many don’t even realize it.
Although furry animals are more likely to cause allergies born from dust, having a lot of fur isn’t really the main problem when it comes to pet dander. Evidence shows that short-haired pets, or even ones without hair will cause the same levels of pet dander as long-haired pets. It’s the microscopic dander and how it attaches itself to carpets, sofas, and fabrics that is the main issue.
What kinds of pollen cause indoor allergies and why?
Alongside pet dander, the biggest cause of allergic reactions is pollen. If you are suffering from allergies at home such as asthma, you can be affected indoors as much as outdoors if your air-quality is poor. People who have pollen allergies generally stay indoors at the appropriate times such as spring when pollen is high. But pollen allergy and asthma control and prevention must begin indoors.
So why are you still struggling with pollen allergies and conditions such as hay fever and asthma even though you are indoors? Alongside pet dander, indoor allergens are caused by dust mites and mold spores that form in damp wicker baskets that become airborne and then inhaled. Dust mites thrive in warm and humid conditions, so if you are not using an air purifier and live in a dusty and hot environment, it can be a major cause of allergies or hay fever reactions.
Using air purifiers for pet dander and pollen allergies
Although you can attempt to tackle dust mites and mold spores from damp plants and so forth by keeping your house clean, light and dry, dust mites and especially pet danger are masters at lurking around and recirculating. Because pet dander is so fine and microscopic, it can attach itself to almost everything. Better air-quality is the only way to total tackle the problems. Ventilating the indoor areas of your home will help. However, combating pollen allergies and pet dander with air purifiers is the best plan of attack.

Do air purifiers kill bacteria? They do not necessarily kill bacteria, but they do keep the air fresh and clean so mold and other forms of pollen are not so prevalent in your home, which helps to reduce allergy triggers. Utilizing value for money Ecoquest and Vollara air purifiers such as the ground-breaking Freshair Surround and the Breeze 2 will make a massive difference to the air quality in your home.
Using air purifiers to attack problems related to allergic reactions is not just reserved for your home. Better quality air in your office or at school is just as important. It’s even more imperative to have quality airflow in congested areas that are home to lots of people. In this instance, you might need the help of a commercial or industrial air purifier such as the Ecoquest Eagle Airpro 5000. Keeping the air clean at school or at work is essential if you suffer from hay fever or asthma and you want to keep in control of the problem.
Now you understand the dangers of pet dander and pollen allergies, it’s essential to ensure you keep allergy triggers down to a bare minimum. Allergies are not only triggered outdoors but can also be a massive problem in your home. Utilizing the latest innovations in air purifiers for pet dander and pollen allergies will improve your air-quality and life immeasurably.