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Should you leave the air purifier on all the time?

Fresh air should not be perceived as a privilege, but a vital necessity. All street dust and dirt get inside your home all year round, along with the street noise. How do we provide a fresh air flow into an urban living space? We will answer this question today.

Air purifiers in city apartments

If it is difficult to protect yourself from inhaling pollution on the street, but at home, it is quite possible. Regular ventilation, proper air purification, and adequate heating are proven methods for creating a favorable indoor climate that contributes to the well-being and health of the whole family. Due to the constantly changing weather conditions, ventilation methods must vary too. A basic effective option for an urban space is getting an air purifier

A single air purifier can operate 24/7 continuously at a cleaning speed of 376 sq. ft. per hour at night and at a speed of 645 sq. ft. per hour during the day. It is necessary to turn it off only in case of departure. When there is no one at home, the device should stay off and thus not consume electrical energy. 

How to protect yourself and your family? 

It is not a secret for anyone that every day, a person has to deal with the dangerous effects of the environment as a result of human existence and lifestyle. The air is filled with harmful impurities, dispersion of heavy metals, aerosols of engine oils, and exhaust gases. Bacteria, viruses, dust, gases are in the air. 

Ozonizers and purification

On this question, nature itself gave a hint to mankind - we should get rid of the impurities with the help of the unique natural properties of ozone. Air purification with ozone is effective where air processors are used: air conditioners, heaters. When the air loses negative ions, oxygen, harmful toxic elements become more. In a confined space without constant natural ventilation, it will not work any other way. Stale air, with high pollution contents and carbon dioxide through the roof, is known to be a source and cause of fatigue, headaches, frequent colds, and allergies.

Ozonizers will help solve the problem of air pollution in confined household and office spaces. Air purification with ozone contributes to: 

  • strengthening immunity

  • reducing the risk of respiratory allergy

  • sound sleep

  • lack of noise

  • reduces the risk of headache

  • stable pressure

  • improving well-being

  • lack of causeless depression 

  • rapid wound healing

  • absence of complications in respiratory medical conditions  

  • blood supply with a sufficient amount of oxygen

  • normal body reaction to changes in atmospheric pressure

  • stress resistance.

How much does clean air cost?

  1. The breakdown for the cost of clean air in your space comes down to two components.The power usage of a household air purifier is kept to a simple minimum, taking a little more than a traditional light bulb. The Ecoquest air purifier has a cascade of 3 filters: a coarse filter for coarse particles (traps coarse dust and micro-pieces of wool, dandruff), a high-performance HEPA filter (traps PM2.5 microparticles and pollen), and a carbon filter (absorbs unpleasant odors). The prices for filter sets and for each filter are separately optimized. 
  2. Considering that changing filters is an infrequent event, the damage will not be substantial. Filters can be replaced individually. For example, the service life of the HEPA filter is at least 2 years, and the charcoal and pre-filter should be changed once a year. Thus, it turns out that fresh and clean air will in fact cost you only 17 percent more than the air cleaner itself. At the same time, filters account for the lion's share of costs, followed by electricity. And the frequency of filter replacement is determined by specific operating conditions - in more environmentally friendly cities, filters can be replaced even less often, more often in a city apartment. They are necessary for you, to be healthy, to provide a “safe zone” for those people who need this factor the most - babies and the elderly.

Do I have to leave the purifier on every day?

For optimal performance, all air purifiers must run continuously. When the air purifier is turned off, indoor air pollution returns to its original state.

Turning a purifier on to run for a couple of hours and then turn it off again is not exactly the most effective approach. Micro airborne particulates are produced continuously, regardless of the people present. These allergens are so small that natural air movement is sufficient for them to rise into the air. And they can be suspended for hours. Of course, if everyone leaves the house for a long time, the device can be turned off, but when someone is in the house, and especially at night in the bedroom, it must work constantly.

Five tips on air purifier for your home

  1. If space allows it, use an air purifier with larger filters: these last longer at maximum efficiency.
  2. Do not forget to regularly change those filters in the purifier that require it - over time, their effectiveness decreases.
  3. For the effect to be most noticeable - install an air purifier in each room of the apartment where you spend a lot of time (bedroom, living room, nursery).
  4. Air is cleaned most quickly in completely isolated rooms, but periodic aeration should not be neglected.
  5. Use the capabilities of remote control, if provided - it is convenient and will optimize the operation of the purifier, extending the life of the filters.

Let it work 24/7, or what?

Of course, it is best to keep the air clean at all times. Provided that the air purifier is in continuous operation, you need to get a model with low electricity consumption and low noise characteristics. The manufacturer indicates these parameters on the packaging. If the device is turned on only occasionally, for express cleaning of the room, then it should be allowed to run at full speed with an empty room around it.

Another important criterion is the volume of the device during operation. Of course, it would be better to find a silent air purifier, or at least with a night mode function, so that it does not interfere with the rest of the residents. These silent models include ozonizers and other devices that operate without a fan.

Is the air purifier capable of working all the time?

The capabilities of each individual purifier model are designed to serve a specific room size. Therefore, before buying, you need to clarify the area of ​​the room in which the cleaner will be located. It is important to immediately decide whether you need a portable device or it will be a separate one for each room. If you choose portable, then you need to purchase an air purifier with a power level suitable for cleaning the largest room. And if there is a separate device in each room, then you need to rely only on the area of ​​this particular room. For small spaces, use a car air purifier. Its power will be sufficient.

Now you need to decide which type of impurities the air purifier is about to clean. Namely with filters. If the filter is replaceable, it is best to have an air ionization function in it. This is of great importance. The air, after passing through the filter, along with harmful substances, loses also useful ones. Therefore, it must be enriched with ions without fail.

Well, if the choice fell on a purifier with a non-replaceable filter, then it is advisable to give preference to ozonizers, and photocatalytic filters. A HEPA filter is one that does not have to be replaced very often, so it’s a great addition to a solid air purifier for the home.

The main features of air purifiers

What should be the first guide when buying a particular device and what should you pay attention to? Let's consider this problem in more detail. If you decide to buy an air purifier, then think about:

  • Room size;

  • Dimensions of the device;

  • Air consumption;

  • The number of modes.

The main parameter that is most important is the square of ​​the room. Almost all household appliances are suitable for air purification in rooms up to 538 sq ft. There are more powerful models. When buying a device, it is better to add a few hundred feet for the sake of the living room.

When determining the airflow rate, the height of the ceiling and the area of ​​the room are taken into account. This value is called the air exchange rate and ranges from 1900 to 45 000 sq ft.

The dimensions of the purifier are especially important when purchasing a portable device. For these purposes, it is better not to take a too cumbersome model. However, if he will stand in the same room, you can buy a bigger and more powerful device.

Each device has up to 5 modes: from night mode to express mode. There is always an opportunity to choose the mode that is right for you.

If you have already thought of buying an air purifier and ozonizer but cannot decide on a specific model for one reason or another, contact us, we will help you, we will advise you on any issue.

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