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Latest News: EcoQuest has joined forces with LT&B (Latest Technology & Beyond) to bring even more advanced air purification technology to you!
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Repair "Eagle 5000" Repair "Eagle 5000"

Repair "Eagle 5000"

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  • Description

    We Guarantee to repair any purifier of yours within 48 hours!
    No matter how old, how dirty, or what's broken - we repair them all.
    Please purchase repair service for your unit below and ship your purifier to us to be repaired within 48 hours and shipped back to you in brand new condition!
    You pay to ship it to us, but we pay to ship it back to you!

    Our Mailing Address is:
    EcoQuest Air Repair
    13654 Victory Boulevard #110
    Valley Glen, CA 91401

    Important: We are not going to send you a prepaid label. Please ship your unit to us by yourself after you purchase this repair service. Please write your order # and word REPAIR in bold on at least two or three sides of the box.

  • Specifications
    Warranty1 year
  • Description

    We Guarantee to repair any purifier of yours within 48 hours!
    No matter how old, how dirty, or what's broken - we repair them all.
    Please purchase repair service for your unit below and ship your purifier to us to be repaired within 48 hours and shipped back to you in brand new condition!
    You pay to ship it to us, but we pay to ship it back to you!

    Our Mailing Address is:
    EcoQuest Air Repair
    13654 Victory Boulevard #110
    Valley Glen, CA 91401

    Important: We are not going to send you a prepaid label. Please ship your unit to us by yourself after you purchase this repair service. Please write your order # and word REPAIR in bold on at least two or three sides of the box.

  • Specifications
    Warranty1 year
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