How to avoid long-term coronavirus health implications using air purifiers?
According to the WHO, 38 million people have already been infected with coronavirus in the European Region since the start of the pandemic in 2019, and 850,000 have died. Moreover, since the end of 2020, the number of new cases has almost halved, but it is 10 times higher than this figure in May last year.
Those who have had a coronavirus infection may experience weakness, a burning sensation in the chest. They may have a cough, fatigue, decreased memory and concentration, and headache. All of these symptoms may accompany post-covid patients in the long run. In most cases, after suffering an acute respiratory viral infection, a person feels weakness and rapid fatigue for a long time. Muscle pain, fatigue, and psychological problems: those who have had a severe form of COVID-19 can suffer the consequences even six months after infection. The patient also notes cognitive impairments, for example, a decrease in memory, the concentration of attention.
Many patients have noticed these conditions for a long time. That is why there is a rehabilitation period: after a serious infection it is recommended not to go to work immediately, but to give time for the body to recover.
Around 66% of inpatients kept enduring one or more effects of the cvid even 6 months after initial onset. This is proven by the study published "The Lancet". The most common long-term covid effects are mialgia, feeling tired, and mental disorders.
Fatigue and weakness after coronavirus
Fatigue or muscle weakness was reported by 63 percent of those surveyed. 26 percent had difficulty sleeping, another 23 percent complained of anxiety or depression. Laboratory tests also showed that 13 percent of patients who had normal kidney function during their hospital stay later experienced deterioration.

Pulmonary reactions
In patients with a particularly severe course of the disease, even after several months, impaired lung function was observed, accompanied by a deterioration in breathing.
There were relatively few people with chronic pulmonary or cardiovascular diseases. However, information about this is not based on the surveys of scientists, but on the statements of the patients themselves.
In addition, the group of surveyed patients did not include those infected with the coronavirus who have mild symptoms of COVID-19, because this category of patients simply did not go to the hospital. They were referred to other medical facilities.
This circumstance could lead to an incorrect estimate of the number of those suffering from the long-term consequences of coronavirus infection.
Doctors note that along with people who hardly notice the infection and then recover completely, and those who take a severe course get into intensive care units, there is also a third group. These patients have a mild course of the disease. They may only go to the hospital for a short time, but then they have symptoms for up to three months.
Do you need rehabilitation after COVID-19?
Among the long-term complications after covid, first of all, fatigue and muscle weakness. But people come to her with neurological problems, joint pain and hair loss. First of all, she says, these people are extremely insecure because they do not understand what is happening to them.
Most of the patients in the study were between 30 and 65 years old. They were never able to fully recover from their illness and fully return to work.
Post-covid Syndrome has been experienced by thousands of patients. Long-term, or protracted COVID and "post-covid syndrome” are the names for this condition. At the beginning of the pandemic, all efforts were made to save the lives of tens of thousands of critically ill patients. And people whose symptoms did not go away for a long time were out of the field of vision of specialists. The patients themselves with a lingering form of coronavirus, who turned to WHO for help, alarmed the doctors because it turned out that almost a quarter of COVID-19 patients are experiencing this condition.
It can be very severe and have several symptoms at once, including chest and muscle pain, fatigue, shortness of breath, and what patients call "foggy consciousness."
One of the reasons is that the virus enters those parts of our body that are not protected by the immune system, such as the brain. It directly attacks organs such as the heart, lungs and pancreas, which sometimes leads to diabetes and thrombosis, which in turn can cause heart attacks or strokes.
At the same time, the symptoms in different people vary greatly both in nature and in severity. It is also important to note that the likelihood of a protracted COVID-19 does not depend on how difficult the acute phase was - it is also observed in people who have had a mild illness. However, it appears that some groups have a higher risk of long-term COVID-19 than others. These are health workers and women - despite the fact that women are less likely to die of coronavirus.
It is already obvious that the protracted COVID-19 can radically change people's lives: many cannot work, they are not able to do what they love, to communicate. Patients also complain of a deterioration in the psychological state, which is aggravated by constant changes: only they feel better, as the symptoms return.
If we are to understand the long-term consequences of COVID-19 and the healing process, we must listen to those suffering from the post-covid condition. According to him, experts do not yet have an answer to many questions - it is not even known what percentage of the population suffers from a protracted form of coronavirus infection.
Earlier, the persistent symptoms of coronavirus were reported, in particular, by British doctors. One in three patients who recover from COVID-19 may suffer for the rest of their life from lung damage, chronic fatigue and psychological distress.
According to a study by the UK's National Health Service (NHS), 30% of those who recover from the infection may develop pulmonary fibrosis in the future. This is a disease in which scar tissue forms in the lungs, which leads to impaired respiratory function and a deterioration in blood oxygen saturation. Half of those who have recovered from COVID-19 may have physical, cognitive and psychological impairments, and every tenth patient has been diagnosed with acute heart damage, experts say.
Bottom line
If the coronavirus causes chronic effects, such research will help develop remedies that reduce the risk of symptoms.
Most common long-term effects of coronavirus
Fatigue: 58%
Headache: 44%
Attention deficit: 27%
Hair loss: 25%
Difficulty breathing/shortness of breath: 24%.
Moreover, the more severe the illness, the higher the likelihood of long-term effects, and most symptoms are similar to symptoms acute phase of infection. In addition, adults have a higher risk of developing post-covid mental illnesses, such as anxiety, insomnia, and dementia.
Long-term Covid symptoms can be both direct effects of infection and treatment-related, that is, side effects from medication or ventilation.
Avoid COVID aftermath or minimize its long-term implications
The big question still stands: how do I cancel out any chances that may get me in contact with covid? How do I avoid extra risk of getting sick again? How do I protect my family from risk?
Most experts are convinced that people who have had COVID-19 develop immunity to this disease. This is equally true for those who have mild symptoms. Even in this case, the human immune system is compromised and needs rehabilitation. The very least one can offer is plenty of rest, healthy food and clean air.
By clean air we mean air free of pollutants, contaminants, bacteria, allergens and viruses. This kind of clean air is only possible to achieve using a high quality air purifier. The way high-tech HEPA filter cleanse air in your home or office is unachievable for practically no other device. No matter how much you’re going to clean and wash your household floors, there is no way you can achieve complete cleanliness of the air you breathe. Something that we can compare it to is you cleaning your entire home versus a cleaning company of ten professionals coming in doing that for you.
We are going to discuss ways to maximize the bactericidal effect in your home or office while minimizing the risks of unwanted biological effects.
Bactericidal action of ultraviolet
The bactericidal action is exerted by hard ultraviolet - UVC, and to a lesser extent by ultraviolet of medium hardness - UVB. The graph of bactericidal efficiency shows that only a narrow range of 230-300 nm has a clear bactericidal effect, that is, about a quarter of the range called ultraviolet.
Bactericidal Efficiency Graph
Rays with wavelengths in this range is absorbed by nucleic acids, which leads to the destruction of the structure of DNA and RNA. In addition to bactericidal, that is, killing bacteria, this range has virucidal (antiviral), fungicidal (antifungal) and sporicidal (spore-killing) effects. This includes killing the SARS-CoV-2 RNA virus that caused the 2020 pandemic.
Solar super-atmospheric UVC produces ozone in the upper atmosphere, called the ozone layer. The energy of the chemical bond in the ozone molecule is lower than in the oxygen molecule, and therefore ozone absorbs quanta of lower energy than oxygen. And if oxygen only absorbs UVC, then the ozone layer absorbs UVC and UVB. It turns out that the sun generates ozone at the very edge of the ultraviolet part of the spectrum, and this ozone then absorbs most of the hard solar ultraviolet radiation, protecting the Earth.
Ozonizers for virus-free air
Ozone is probably the only accessible means to reach that kind of air cleanliness we all want these days. Ozone crumbles everything by means of air contaminants. It is important to control the exposure time. The effectiveness of ozone was tested on bacteriophages. It was found that the number of surviving viruses in airborne aerosols decreased exponentially as expected with increasing ozone dose.
Thanks to the combination of air cleaning stages with air ozonation and HEPA filters, Ecoquest purifiers stand out in several ways before any other equivalent.
The verdict of the research is unambiguous - ozone is very effective for the deactivation of any viruses carried with aerosols (airborne droplets). Getting a high quality ozone blaster will save you quite some nerve. You will sleep well, knowing you’ve protected your loved ones from airborne contaminants including viruses.