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Latest News: EcoQuest has joined forces with LT&B (Latest Technology & Beyond) to bring even more advanced air purification technology to you!
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Ozone Blaster 22 Ozone Blaster 22

Ozone Blaster 22

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  • Description

    This air purifier is an advanced and convenient contaminant remediation product. High-powered oxidation in a compact, light weight, rugged and simple design. Utilizing controlled corona discharge ozone technology developed specifically to reduce odors and smoke in unoccupied spaces, ideal for treatment for homes, office, automobiles & boats and More!

  • Specifications
    Ion Output5 g/h
    Air VolumeMax 106 CFM (3 M3/min)
    Sound Level (DB)35 dB
    SizeW170 x H150 x D200MM
    Warranty1 year
  • Manual
  • Description

    This air purifier is an advanced and convenient contaminant remediation product. High-powered oxidation in a compact, light weight, rugged and simple design. Utilizing controlled corona discharge ozone technology developed specifically to reduce odors and smoke in unoccupied spaces, ideal for treatment for homes, office, automobiles & boats and More!

  • Specifications
    Ion Output5 g/h
    Air VolumeMax 106 CFM (3 M3/min)
    Sound Level (DB)35 dB
    SizeW170 x H150 x D200MM
    Warranty1 year
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