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Using an Air Purifier for Flood Cleanup Action Plan

Using an Air Purifier for Flood Cleanup Action Plan

Flood is a natural disaster that comes most of the time without warning and leaves behind huge destruction. A large... Details
Ozone Air Purification Basics and Benefits: Indoor Air Cleaning

Ozone Air Purification Basics and Benefits: Indoor Air Cleaning

Room purification with ozonation is a modern technology of disinfection and removal of unpleasant odors in apartments,... Details
Do air purifiers kill bacteria?

Do air purifiers kill bacteria?

Most omnipresent/ubiquitous bacteria coexist with their hosts as part of normal microflora. But they are still able to... Details
The smaller, the more dangerous. How nanoparticles impact air pollution?

The smaller, the more dangerous. How nanoparticles impact air pollution?

2851 gallons is the average amount of air a human body consumes during the day. Most of the air we breathe in contains... Details
Breathe deeper: how to make the air in your house perfect?

Breathe deeper: how to make the air in your house perfect?

Contemporary ecologists are warning us that indoor air is much worse in quality than outdoor air. Let’s take a look at... Details
Air Purifier in the nursery

Air Purifier in the nursery

New parents always thoroughly prepare for the child’s arrival in the house: they make repairs, fix the nursery, crib,... Details
Everything you wanna know about clean air and HEPA filter with 2019 allergy season coming up

Everything you wanna know about clean air and HEPA filter with 2019 allergy season coming up

With an estimated average of 250 million dollars American nation spends on air purifying equipment every year, chances... Details
Industrial Air Purifier. Do I really need one?

Industrial Air Purifier. Do I really need one?

Commercial air purifiers are made to supplement your heating, ventilation and air conditioning efforts on an enterprise... Details
How to protect your family from wildfire smokes?

How to protect your family from wildfire smokes?

Wildfires are a notorious phenomenon, especially in Midwestern USA. The effects of these regular fires are disturbing... Details

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