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Latest News: EcoQuest has joined forces with LT&B (Latest Technology & Beyond) to bring even more advanced air purification technology to you!
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How to manage respiratory medical conditions in the light of continuous coronavirus threat?

How to manage respiratory medical conditions in the light of continuous coronavirus threat?

Comorbidities. It is a new word that everyone on the planet Earth has learned well. Why? Details
How to avoid long-term coronavirus health implications using air purifiers?

How to avoid long-term coronavirus health implications using air purifiers?

Ozone is probably the only accessible means to reach that kind of air cleanliness we all want these days. Ozone... Details
The right way to ventilate your working and living spaces

The right way to ventilate your working and living spaces

To forget about stuffiness, chronic fatigue syndrome, mold, and condensation, you need to remember what ventilation is.... Details
Should you leave the air purifier on all the time?

Should you leave the air purifier on all the time?

Fresh air should not be perceived as a privilege, but a vital necessity. All street dust and dirt get inside your home... Details
Pristine virus-free air: why is it critical for babies and seniors?

Pristine virus-free air: why is it critical for babies and seniors?

As a rule, sources of fresh air are places with abundant vegetation - natural oases of clean air. But how do you... Details
What is the best mask? Or should I say “most effective”?

What is the best mask? Or should I say “most effective”?

Ecoquest will share with you what you need to know when you decide to buy a mask or a respirator in this article. Details
Life during a pandemic: how to protect and survive?

Life during a pandemic: how to protect and survive?

Now more and more often one can hear the opinion that the coronavirus pandemic will change our lives forever. In this... Details
Healthy tips on protecting from indoor and outdoor pollution

Healthy tips on protecting from indoor and outdoor pollution

Air pollution is a burden on the respiratory system. It can lead to a variety of problems: allergies, frequent colds,... Details
What Relative Humidity means for indoor air quality

What Relative Humidity means for indoor air quality

Understanding air quality and relative humidity, in particular, helps undertake simple actions in order to increase the... Details
Spend or Save: What Really Does Kill Viruses?

Spend or Save: What Really Does Kill Viruses?

To reduce the risk of the spread of coronavirus disease, doctors advise you to wear face masks, wash your hands... Details
Japan researchers say ozone effective in neutralising coronavirus

Japan researchers say ozone effective in neutralising coronavirus

Japanese researchers said on Wednesday that low concentrations of ozone can neutralize coronavirus particles,... Details
Air Pollution Impact and 10 Ways to Protect Yourself

Air Pollution Impact and 10 Ways to Protect Yourself

With statistics on chronic respiratory diseases growing exponentially, people get concerned most about how to not... Details
Do Air Purifiers Really Work: The Big Guide

Do Air Purifiers Really Work: The Big Guide

Clean indoor air is a basic physiological need. If you do not live in a rural suburb or at least around a city park,... Details
What Ozone Generator Manufacturers Don't Tell You

What Ozone Generator Manufacturers Don't Tell You

Ozone is a pale blue toxic gas with an obvious metallicy scent. It has powerful oxidizing properties, can be natural... Details

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